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budgetary position中文是什么意思

用"budgetary position"造句"budgetary position"怎么读"budgetary position" in a sentence


  • 财政预算状况
  • 预算实况


  • The relationship between the budgetary position and the exchange rate is a delicate and complex one
  • The relationship between the budgetary position and the monetary system is a complex one , particularly in a small and open economy
  • He further added that in view of the government s overall budgetary position for the coming few years , the level of public funding for legal aid services had to be reviewed critically
  • He further added that in view of the government s overall budgetary position for the coming few years , the level of public funding for legal aid services had to be reviewed critically
  • This emphasis on the relationship between the budgetary position and the exchange rate and the " basic thinking and guiding principles " set out in the subsequent paragraphs of the policy address are , to me , a clear demonstration of determination on the part of the government to reinstate fiscal discipline , which has been eroded by deflation and structural change in the economy
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